Weird bug on PC version of FIFA 15

There are always troubles when EA releases the games recently. Games like Battlefield and SimCity 4 seems to be the most exact evidence, how unpreparedness has always been a problem that led to the experience of playing gaming become worse. But who would have thought, this problem also turns out to be experienced by an actual game that does not require internet connection consistently, such as FIFA 15, for example. Although we have not personally experienced it in the version of the Playstation 4, but the gameplay bug reports about the PC version of FIFA 15 that continues surfaced in internet. One of them even look very strange.

In addition to lighting and button mapping problems complained, some PC gamers also reported a strange incident that happened to FIFA 15 they currently play. For no apparent reason, this bug makes all players suddenly ran out to the field and gathered there, for no apparent reason.

Interestingly, although it has not received an official patch from EA themselves, some players managed to find a solution that is no less unique. This problem apparently only occurs on PCs that have the "Computer Name" with capital letters only. By replacing the computer name to lower case, this issue is reportedly can be resolved .

Thanks for reading..